Tuesday, January 12, 2016

B1 - Group E- Swartz

Databases, networks, and sociology are three crucial aspects of the future intelligent buildings and construction. Nearly all "intelligent" features of buildings utilize one if not all of them as they are essentially the backbone of information sharing throughout a building.


There are a wide variety of uses for databases in the intelligent building industry. They can be used for collecting data during construction, such as scheduling and tracking concrete pours and deliveries, as well as for collecting data throughout a building's occupancy, such as automatically collecting weather data to be used in heating and cooling load calculations. An extremely useful application of databases in building systems is the collection of a building's total energy consumption [1]. If the energy usage for the building is tracked, it can be used to make the building's total energy consumption from the grid very efficient.


Networks are used throughout buildings in order to provide communication between various systems. They usually go hand in hand with databases, the networks distributing the data and the databases storing it. Networks are especially useful when combined with motion sensors in various areas of a building. The sensors detect occupancy within a space and that information is carried through a network, to a data base and is used to efficiently control the heating/cooling/lighting of a space [2].


Sociology will always play a large role in intelligent buildings as it does with every other industry. Throughout history it is evident that as mankind has evolved and become more intelligent, so have our buildings. The building industry is currently following society in becoming more digital and intelligent. It is important to point out that there is a difference between intelligent buildings and automated buildings, in that intelligent buildings are more equipped to change with society [3]. For example, if a building was evacuated for a long period of time, an intelligent building would shut down its systems until it became occupied again, while an automated building would turn its systems on and off at set times.

[1] http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S036013230600312X

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