Monday, January 25, 2016

B3 - Group A : Yuanjin LI

BIM software like Revit has shown a rapid growth in the architectural design and building construction field due to its advantages and convenience. But problems are start to appear as well. This post will discuss what the possible future problems of BIM are.

If someday BIM becomes very popular in every industry, then how to unify the database? For example, to build up a building, there are many different processes like design, construct and install, etc. The requirement of the building model of each process are different, then how to make sure they can corporate with each other? How to build a single model that can satisfy all these requirements? Therefore to build up a uniformed database is very important.

Secondly, since BIM is easy to use and quick to learn, now that almost everyone can use BIM. Thus how to ensure the quality of the building model or the entire project? I think a certificate is required. Engineers need to be acquainted with the basic construction standard to ensure that their model is reliable.

In the future, BIM will definitely become more and more “automatic”. It can help people solve most of the problems during the design or the construct process. It is too “smart” and we will not doubt about it for most of times. But computer software will not always be right, if BIM does something wrong people might not be able to realize it. The dependence on computer software will destroy our ability to think and learn. Even will influence our creativity. All the buildings might looks similar because they are all designed by computer instead of human.

Although BIM might bring us problems, it is still cannot be replaced and will always become more intelligent. The future of BIM is obviously optimistic. All these problems discussed here might not really happen in the future, but we cannot stop examine ourselves.


1 comment:

  1. I agree that creating one database for all would be a solution to many problems with BIM in the future. However, as I stated in Rebecca Lynch's post, I do not believe competing companies will want to do that. That could easily cost some companies millions of dollars. I think money is a huge asset and detriment to society in general, and competing companies just prove to me that I am right. While it is great for employees of a company that revolutionize society are making money, it's a shame that they are hurting society by not collaborating with competing companies. Great post!
