Tuesday, January 26, 2016

B3_Group C: William Whitesell

What if the future is something that moves away from computer modeling and in another direction all together? A direction that many would like to see in the modeling of buildings in the introduction of a 3D process. One in which the stage is grand and not isolated to a computer screen. Instead one that can be visited on a 1:1 scale and taken to different platforms and collaboratively designed across the world. This would entail technology that is not prevalent in today’s day in age. For example, Microsoft has been in production of a HoloLens technology. Which is described as an augmented reality, one in which a virtual reality is displayed. The user/designer is able to view their model in a 3D workspace instead of a flat screen. This technology is already being explored on many other levels by Google and other big names in the world market and has been for a number of years. The technology from Microsoft is aimed at the designer, although it could simplify the consumers role in design and development as well, giving them a realistic model to interact with.
The future of BIM software will revolutionize the design and construction of buildings but will require cooperation from all markets involved. This needed in order for the software to evolve and integrate across all markets of building design and construction, including schedules and cost allocations. A point of contention for the advancement is likely to end up being updating of the software by all companies involved in the modeling process. One of these in particular that is falling behind is the water department in the UK. They are responsible for updating the software with standardized data in order for companies to meet expectations set forth. This lack of involvement by the water department leads to delays in the modeling process and inconsistencies in design across all sectors.
As BIM modeling software increases in popularity it can make buildings more efficient in design and building increasing the ROI for the consumer. With any industry, as advances are made boundaries will be pushed in order to stay on the forefront. Each time we are approaching a new plateau computer capabilities and operating systems seem to increase and marginally keeping ideas and innovations moving forward. Advances are considered most notable in the beginning stages such as the ones we are in today. As time goes on however small adjustments will make the possibilities endless.




  1. You present great opportunities for the future that could dramatically enhance the design process. I think its although it put forth new innovative and creative ways to build space and systems, it puts added responsibility on the designer. Designers tend to receive a very low design fee as a percentage of the job. So I would like to see that AEC industry provide larger allowances for the design process in order to really integrate the cutting edge technology.

  2. William,

    I also believe BIM has the potential to revolutionize the construction industry but BIM’s evolution is dependent on the collaboration from other markets. Imagine the great potential of BIM if it is merged with the Microsoft HoloLens technology, which has the ability to display a virtual reality. All contractual parties, even owners will not be limited to see their projects in a flat screen, instead they will be able to see it in real life. This brings design stage of a project to a whole new level. As we know, it is different too see a project in a flat screen than when it is completed. For this reason, many owners decide to make changes along construction. In some instances they might require parts of the project to be redesign a rebuilt bringing economic and schedule losses. This technology has the potential of moving these changes during the design stage and making sure the owner is satisfied with the design from the beginning.

  3. As William said, as more people start familiarizing with BIM, the software will become more and more complex in the future years, with more tools to simplify the work of the users. Something that will be common in Autodesk within the close future is real time visualization via cloud computing. Autodesk has created a great cloud where by the click of a button you can have a rendering in almost real time, meaning that the work and design stages will be faster, gaining time in the constructing process.
