Tuesday, January 12, 2016

B1 --- Group C (Haoying Ye)

Ø Robotics

Robotics is the technology and knowledge that used for design and application of robots. It’s an interdisciplinary research area:
-          Mechanical Engineering: methodologies for the study of machine in static and dynamic situation
-          Electrical Engineering: design of sensor, actuator, interface, control algorithms
-          Computer Sciences: software, vision, intelligences
-          Mathematics
-          Biology

Thousands of years, human are burdened by heavy labor. And today, there is a trend for us to solve the problem step by step since the robot invented. By a general agreement, a robot is a programmable machine that imitates the actions or appearance of an intelligent creature --- usually a human. Implementation of the robot is automatic machine device. It can accept human command, and can run a pre-arranged program, also based on the principles of artificial intelligence techniques to develop programs of action. Its mission is to assist or replace human work, such as manufacturing, construction, or dangerous work:
-          Industrial robot: the carrier robot hold Lamborghini in the production line.
-          Civilian robot: help us do job in everyday life.
-          Military robot: help the army to avoid death in battle and beat the enemy efficiently

For the future develop, robotic engineers is designing the designing the next generation of robot that can look, feel and act more like human. Realistic looking robot with embedded sensors will allow robots to react more naturally in real life.


Ø AI (Artificial Intelligence) & Future

Artificial intelligence is to use computers to analog and instead of human brain. The advent of computers has made artificial intelligence a major breakthrough. The computer can not only replace some of the human brain function, but exceed the human brain greatly speed and accuracy. It can not only simulate part of analysis and the comprehensive function, but is getting to display a certain characteristics of consciousness. It really became an extension of the human brain.

AI makes our society much richer than before. Because it makes the same labors can produce more products within same amount of time. Also, AI makes our world become smaller and smaller, the long distance communication become possible. Today, production, trades, finance, education, and politics become globalize.

On the other hand, AI also bring some hidden, the smart phones, auto-drive cars and medical robots are coming, we are in the revolution of AI, our life is changed by AI stealthily, it makes us enjoy the comfortable life and forget the basic abilities, those abilities which we hardly use them will become vestigial when humans are developing.


Ø 3D Printing & Future

Printing is a process for reproducing text and images, typically with ink on paper using a print press. 3D printing is a process of making a tree-dimensional solid object of virtually any shape from a digital model.  This technology is really helpful for to make manufacture products, because there are some products or models are imaginative and fantastic, their structures are complex, and often have many holes in side. Traditional machining techniques, which mostly rely on the removal of material by methods such as cutting or drilling, because the tools are not flexible enough to cut the material inside, even some of them can be machines, the efficiency is very low.  Now it is achievable to produce such a complex product by 3Dprinter. The 3D printer is like a traditional printer, it is achieved using an additive process, where continuous layers of material are laid down in different shapes, the printer sprays heated plastic powder to form each lay, that’s why 3D printing is a kind of additive manufacturing.

In the future, 3D printing will become more commonplace, because the entire process produces much less waste than traditional manufacturing where large amounts of material have to be trimmed away from the usable part.



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