Tuesday, January 12, 2016

B1 William Whitesell-Group C

Artificial intelligence (AI) can exist in many forms and is already part of our everyday. Intelligence is the ability to acquire knowledge and apply skills. Autocorrect on your phone is a simple form of AI which decides if the word you typed is incorrect, then replaces the word. A more complex form is being provided by Google with an automated car and humanoid robot. These make apparent informed decisions while operating in their environment. What if this ability to determine what is right and wrong was given to a robot. It would require a form of intelligence that so far has not been found.
Robots are ideal to repeat precise work with extreme accuracy. Ideal for manufacturing, China currently is on the forefront of this movement due to their high demand of exports. A robots current work environment is in a factory and does not introduce many variables. An ideal for the construction industry would be for the robots to function in changing environments. This will require manufacturing robots to be both mobile and have ability to identify a given area of operation and potential hazards. As Kate Flint pointed out in her blog that more and more robots are slowly being integrated into our society in our everyday interactions.  An ability to be completely automated and function on their own. Marvin Minsky, a leader in cybernetics at MIT believes there will come a time when anything can be automated, he says “the idea that because a brain is alive does not mean it can’t be simulated in other architectures such as cybernetics.”(1)
Robotics have slowed down its progression over the last 10-20 years in comparison to its introduction where new revelations were discovered on a weekly or daily basis. 3D printing however is still in that infantile stage, one where new advances are discovered weekly if not more often. The printing of models and limited production capabilities are a thing of the past. Companies have been able to produce 1:1 scale models out of concrete and other products in order for building application. This is only possible with the advent of robots in order to produce the complex and exact shapes. Foster and Partners is responsible for pushing the forefront of this technology and believe with this technology the future is limitless in building conception, design and construction.(3)
So what do these spell for the future of construction and industry in general. Is it possible that robots with AI could replace all human forms in a construction process? Holding meetings in order to cooperate with one another? Making material using 3D printing and install it on site? This possibility could also greatly reduce the cost of construction in the long run if no wages were paid week to week only maintenance fees. I don’t believe this will take place anytime soon.
There is an inherent risk when we give too much power to any one entity without proper checks and balances in place.  Bill Gates states, “First the machines will do a lot of jobs for us and not be super intelligent…a few decades after that though the intelligence is strong enough to be a concern.”(3) This is a scary look at the future of robotics and AI. Human nature is to survive, Darwin’s theory, so if this life like intelligence is given to a superior creature what does that spell for the existence of the human race. It could mean possible annihilation. This was also mentioned in other blogs such Al-Hajar's discussing the implications of superintelligent machines. This is decades off but should be considered as advances in this industry are considered. For now, it is convenient for a race of humans, constantly looking for and easier or simpler method of completion to incorporate robots into their culture as much as possible.

(3)    http://www.craveonline.com/design/817357-future-technology-according-bill-gates

comment on Kate Flint's post
Comment on Kai's post


  1. Having robots perform risky construction tasks would be an excellent idea, as it poses no threat to human safety when building in harsh environments (extreme temperatures, from either the arctic or structures in deserts), or on parts of the structure that require workers to be harnessed. Other high risk jobs that they could take would be operating a high level crane or underwater construction. This would definitely reduce labor costs for the contractor as well as liability issues for human safety.

  2. I think you brought up a good point when you put into consideration of the risk of machine over power! Although I don’t completely agree with this as the AI systems and robots, will augment many of the tasks we do today, just as innovation has long augmented the work we do. jobs that are probably the most at risk are those that are narrowly defined by a certain task, which are done in a regular and consistent way. This means many of our jobs as engineers won't go away, some will, but almost no job will be left untouched. At the end of the day, humans will have technology do for us what we want it to do for us.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. William,

    I think you made a really interesting point by mentioning how Artificial Intelligence can become dangerous in the future. As you mentioned, Artificial intelligence will keep evolving up to the point were they are able to surpass human intelligence and as you mentioned this is really scary. There are several Hollywood movies, which explore this possibility for example IRobot. In this movie, Robots try to take over the world and slave humans. Although this might seem as fiction for now, I think that it is quite possible if we do not control the evolution and development of Artificial Intelligence. I think that Artificial intelligence can become really dangerous if it is not taken seriously. Additionally, I will like to say that there is a negative side to employing both AI and 3D printing on construction. As you mentioned, this technology will minimize the labor force required and the time of construction. But, I think that we have to consider all the unemployment it might bring with it. I think that this unemployment should be addressed properly by either redirecting the labor force to other fields of work, or allowing them to get University Education in order to access superior jobs.
