Sunday, January 31, 2016

B4: Group D – Kate Flint

For the term project our group chose to research Daylighting Technologies in Intelligent Buildings. Each group member will choose a different technology and research case studies in which that technology was implemented in a building. Each person will also explain the details of how each technology works and compare it to the other two. We will also explain the possibility for future advancements within daylighting technologies. We would also like to explore how energy use compares from the new technologies to older lighting technologies. Our project will also include how training and maintenance affect the energy efficiency of a building. Personally, I will be researching lighting sensors and how they interact with the Building Automation System (BAS).  

Specifically I will look at examples of daylight harvesting strategies. One of the technologies considered is an ambient light sensor to optimize lighting levels throughout the day. These sensors can be linked to the BAS system and monitored to collect user data over the life of the building. We may also look into how the orientation of a building impacts the daylighting, and how important it is to avoid direct sunrays. As mentioned for the BAS system, sensors in a building can be very helpful in monitoring occupant movement and comfort

I chose this topic because I took AE 340 Architectural Illumination & Electrical Systems last term and found it very interesting. Several of the topics covered in that class relate to intelligent buildings and artificial intelligence being integrated into building design. The class covered some current buildings with highly advanced lighting systems. One homeowner had a lighting/security system he controlled from an iPhone app that gave him full control and versatility of his home lighting. The system was also able to cut his energy bill by setting timers on lights and using motion sensors.

The main challenge I foresee for this project would be in deciding what to include in the final report. The outline we submitted this week narrows down the “Daylighting Technologies” category, but as we research we will need to decide how in depth we want to go with each technology. All of the technologies we are considering are well developed and available to the public for residential and commercial building use.


I think you have a great project idea, and it looks like you have your work cut out for you. It sounds like you have created a very comprehensive plan from analyzing the structure to creating a new HVAC system. It is also a great idea to utilize the Revit schedules for the estimating process, which can be very tedious. Last year I attended a similar senior design project presentation, one this they did was conduct surveys of the professors with offices in the AEL building. This may be helpful during for the architectural layout process to learn more about the workflow and what the CAEE professors would recommend.


  1. You have a very cool project and a good way to use a group for this project. Daylighting is an attractive option that also allows buildings to decrease their energy load. I’m glad you are examining energy efficiency; I bet many daylighting projects end up costing their building in increased thermal loads. Looking at how daylighting interacts with BMS will allow you to study how this load can be decreased. It will be interesting to see what your group learns this term, with each of you going through a couple case studies it should be quite a lot.

  2. You picked a very interesting topic. I agree that you may have trouble narrowing down your topic, but have a group for this project will definitely help. Daylighting can drastically change the feel of the location, and it can also affect energy consumption. Skylights and huge windows are a great way to allow natural light into a room but they also allow more of the outside air temperature to come into the building. Sensors will be a very important part of this paper since they can allow one to monitor the amount of sunlight in a room and the amount of cold or warm air they let in.
