Friday, January 8, 2016

B1, Group B - Bryan Cummings

Building construction technologies are currently slow, labor-intensive, and expensive compared to other manufacturing fields.  3D printing technologies have made great advances in recent years in printing small objects, prosthetics, and even machine parts.  These items can be made much faster, at a lower cost, and with a higher degree of customizability compared to traditional manufacturing methods.  Currently, technologies are emerging to be able to print habitable buildings and other large municipal structures.  This should provide the construction industry with the same benefits as 3D printing has brought other manufacturing fields, reducing the need and cost of labor, speeding up construction time, and allowing architects to feasibly design more complex forms.

Structural 3D printing is still in its infancy.  Traditional printing methods have involved layering a plastic resin to construct the object, which won’t do for usable structures.  A company in China, WinSun, has pioneered printing homes and apartments from concrete.  The system operates on the same premise as conventional 3D printing.  Layers of wet concrete are laid on top of the previous.  The concrete properties must be very well controlled for the printing to form properly.  This company printed 10 small single-story homes, for a cost of approximately $5000 each.  The printing machine was 10m x 6.6m [1].  A research team at Berkeley has also been investigating 3D printed cement structures, but from a different angle.  Their technology prints the forms from a dry cement powder, each layer upon which water is sprayed to harden the structure.  This yields the ability to produce very precise forms, as seen by their recently printed pavilion named Bloom.  Another benefit of this method, compared to layering wet cement, aside from form, is that the structures can be lighter and the construction process produces less weight. [2]

In addition to printing concrete and cement, metal printing technologies are also being researched for structures.  The company MX3D is on their way 3D printing a steel bridge on-site across a canal in Amsterdam.  Their technology, instead of using a stand-alone printers as the previous parties mentioned do, utilizes printing machines that attach to the structure they are printing, and can move along it as more progress is made—analogous to how, in contemporary high-rise construction, internal climbing cranes hoist themselves up on the building’s existing structure.  This technology makes printing much more versatile as it can be done outside of a controlled environment, the final product is less size-limited, and can be built directly to fit into its final location, opposed to cookie-cutter type designs as WinSun created.  Their metallic printing is done by applying weld piece by piece directly to the existing structure to extend the members.  This video showcases the intended design as well as the construction and completion of a physical prototype, which illustrates well how this technology prints a metal structure ( [3]

BIM is an essential component to any 3D printing technology.  The printer is fed information from a software with information on scale, shape, color, and other properties of the final product.  This can’t be done with simple CAD programs which are only drawings and not models.  As the 3D printing advances to construct more complex and complete structures, or whole buildings (which is a system of countless other systems), rather than printing homogeneous objects as is traditionally done today, the role of BIM will play an even more crucial part in the realization of 3D printing structures.  

Farther in the future, a possible application of 3D printing structures beyond being a means to increase the efficiency of the construction industry could be construction in inhospitable environments—one of which being construction in orbit or on the moon.  Foster + Partners and the ESA (European Space Agency) are conducting a feasibility study into constructing a lunar base on the moon via 3D printing.  This technology would mix lunar material with what they call “binding salt” to produce the main structural material—probably similar to cement.  Constructing this out of local material already on the moon would dramatically reduce the construction cost of such a structure.  The main structural element would be the intrinsically structurally efficient catenary arch, which a pneumatic structure to shield the occupants from radiation and micrometeors. [4]



Comment to Dianna Vogel:  We came to similar conclusions about most topics here.  It was interesting reading about the house in Amsterdam milled out of plywood.   Also, so often reduced cost is discussed with relation to 3D printing, but I like how you mentioned a reduced environmental impact as well.  I’d be really interested in doing a life cycle assessment on 3D printed construction compared to conventional construction.  Transportation of materials would probably have a lower ecological footprint as they would be in a more compact form compared to how finished steel beams are often transported one or few beam(s) per truck.  Printing’s ability to create stronger structures with less material will also contribute to a reduced impact.  I’m interested, though, about the plywood house in Amsterdam, since that is milled, not printed, what happens to the plywood that gets cut and not used?  Can it be reused or recycled?

Comment to Danielle Schroeder:  I looked into the PaperBridge topic you discussed—very interesting and gorgeous!  I know it is intended for art and not much else, but it still raises the question of what, if any, applicability might this have on the built environment?  My first thought was how durable is it to weathering?  Obviously it has withstood rain events, but is the structural integrity decreased each time?  How long would it last if it wasn’t scheduled to be taken down?  I also can’t imagine it’s a very efficient means of creating a bridge.  It’s extremely material-dense for such a small structure, so my first concern is a worse than necessary ecological footprint.  Still, it was great that they thought to use ink that won’t run and subsequently pollute the stream the bridge crosses. 


  1. Bryan,
    We studied a couple of the same articles, so I enjoyed your point of view on the topics. However, I did not see the article about the ‘Bloom’ structure created by the research team at Berkeley. I do believe that their method, where the dry cement powder is laid for each layer first and then sprayed with water to harden, is the more precise method. This would work really well to build complex cement structures, especially if the 3D printing machine is mobile. Furthermore, I saw that you also read the article about the future 3D printed steel bridge in Amsterdam. It is fascinating how the 3D printing machine will build its own supports as its builds the bridge. This technology will be revolutionary in the field of construction, especially with the atrocious shape some bridges are in around the United States. Finally, I did not see the research in creating a cement like substance, using the local material on the moon, for 3D printing structures. I will look forward to looking at the final design for the structures, in order to see how they will take in to account all the risks from the atmosphere.

  2. Bryan,
    I also read the article on the company MX3D and their plan to digitally fabricate a pedestrian bridge. This project will involve multiple robotic arms working together to essentially draw a steel bridge over the canal. While this construction method may be faster, the design development phase is a much longer and more complicated process. In the future this method of construction might reduce labor and material costs in the field, but it will require many more iterations to model every aspect of the complex design. I agree that the main draw to incorporate digital fabrication in construction is the greater degree of customization in material properties and design.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Bryan,
    As you stated, 3D printing is still in its infancy. As such, we both included articles involved the company Winsun! The main difference between the two projects was that the pieces for the housing were printed in a central factory and then assembled like Lego's on-site rather than building both the printing all its pieces as in my cited article. Using this process to create a simple design for a house that can replicated tenfold in a day is perfect for creating low income housing. Although this is much to still be improved upon in this field, it has already make great strides in such a short time frame.

  5. Bryan, I have found your information very interesting and resourceful. The information that you have provided on WinSun also led me to do some more research on my own. I have found that one of the main reasons for the cost efficiency is the fact that the company uses waste products from construction to create their materials. The company also intends to build more recycling facilities throughout China to keep up with the demand of the new customers. In addition to the benefits that you have previously mentioned such as cost efficiency and the light weight material, I think it is interesting to note that the product is also environmentally friendly. WinSun also uses a CAD template for their printing that is able to be adjusted to the customer’s preferences and they are currently looking into multiple story buildings but are restricted by Chinese building codes.

    1. I have mentioned the company website and forgot to include it.
