Monday, February 1, 2016

B4 - Group E - Swartz

My group’s project is the use of 3D printing in the construction industry. We will explore the current and future uses of 3D printing technology including the materials, methods, and real life examples. So far, we have specified the main materials being 3D printed in the construction industry as concrete, metal, plastic, wood, and other materials such as regolith, a material that is abundant throughout the earth, moon, Mars, and some asteroids [1]. The main methods of 3D printing will also be explored such as the machines used and the feasibility of those methods.

We will also discuss real life examples of 3D printed structures and investigate their benefits and limitations. A real life example that will be explored is China’s 3D printing of the world’s first villa and the world’s tallest printed apartment building. The villa was printed in less than 3 hours and used a combination of 3D printing and modularity to print and assemble the building [2]. Another example that will be explored is a 3D printed office building in Dubai. The building will include a completely printed interior layout, including printed furniture. Contrary to the villa example in china, the proposed office building will be printed on site with a 20 foot tall 3D printer. The materials that will be printed include special reinforced concrete, fiber reinforced plastic, and glass fiber reinforced gypsum. Similarly to the villa, the office building will be completed in a fraction of normal construction time, a matter of a few weeks [3].

My group will also explore the future of the 3D printing industry in construction, and the possibilities it presents. A possibility that involves the use of regolith is the printing of structures on the moon, planets, and asteroids in space. These structures may one day require no physical man power to construct and will be completed in a fraction of the current time.

A basic outline of our project can be seen below:
3D Printing in Buildings
·       Abstract
·       Introduction
·       History of 3D Printing
·       Background of 3D Printing in Construction
·       Examples of 3D Printing Applications
·       Materials
·       Concrete
·       Metal
·       Wood
·       Plastic
·       Alloys
·       Other (Moon Rocks)
·       3D Printing in Construction
·       Printing Methods
·       Structural Components
·       Entire Structure Examples
·       WinSun China builds world’s first 3D printed villa and tallest 3D printed apartment building
·       UAEIC 3D Printing Office Building
·       Future of 3D Printing
·       Additional Construction Applications
·       Growth of 3D Printing
·       Conclusions
·       References



Alexis Aikins-

This sounds like an interesting topic. We have all always learned that sunlight imposes a large thermal load on buildings, but the effect of sunlight on occupant productivity is something that also needs to be considered. It is also good that you will be incorporating what you learn during this research on your senior design project. That only makes this topic that much more important because it demonstrates the real life application of your research. I also agree with what you said about the control of daylighting being an adaptive technology. The weather is unpredictable, and can only be controlled in buildings through the use of sensors and other intelligent building components. Good post.

Mohammed Alqallaf-

This sounds like an awesome project, and one that really needs to be done. It is good that you are able to incorporate your senior design project into this project, because it will only increase the overall quality of your design. You project also demonstrates the need for modeling existing buildings with BIM software, because of renovations such as the alumni labs. I also liked your point about having hand on BIM experience will help you to better understand the building integration process, and I believe that that knowledge is important for everyone in the construction industry to understand. Good Post.

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    3D printing is an awesome topic for a research paper. It's an aspect of IB that I think can revolutionize the way we do construction. The fact that China has already 3D printed entire buildings, in hours no less, just goes to show the raw power behind this technology. I am curious where you will go with the future aspect of your research paper. Creating structures on other planets seems like an interesting application of 3D printing but I could see the practicality in doing so as opposed to manually constructing anything (if the desire to construct on other celestial bodies ever arises).
