Monday, February 1, 2016

B4 - Group A - Yuanjin LI

Project Topic: BIM Applications through the Life Cycle
                       -- Annual Building Energy Consumption

I will do the project about how will the Building Information Model be applied through a building's full life cycle. Here is a very simple explain of what I’d like to do: first create a benchmark building model and then mainly focus on how the BIM software can simulate the annual building energy consumption. Use the EnergyPlus software. Then modify the design of the model to minimize the annual energy consumption. There are six different strategies that could be modified during the BIM project. They are add wall and roof insulation, install fly roof, improve glazing material, add solar protection (shading) to south facing glazing and change building orientation.

Building information modelling can serve a valuable supporting role both in refining our understanding of the role the building plays in shaping the internal environment and in quantifying the flows of energy that take place. Knowing where energy flows and how much energy flows through a prototype building opens up the opportunity to explore the role form, materials, programme and plant can play in modifying the design to make the building become more intelligence. This offers the promise of more comfort for the occupants, lower heating or cooling energy demands to maintain comfort, or hopefully a combination of the two – ideally all wrapped up in a beautifully designed end product that meets all of the additional architectural demanded of an intelligent building. Therefore I would like to do a simple BIM project that related to building energy.

The challenge of this project is how to simulate the model to get a reasonable result. To design a satisfied building model we usually need to start off with a relatively modest design and then refine it as we learn more about how it behaves. This is why I decided to start with a benchmark model first.  From the knowledge gained, incorporating the key features and strategies identified using the simple model the development of the design should be quick. Another challenge is how to mapping and manage the simulation data generated by EnergyPlus. How to analysis what these data represents and how these data will influence the BIM design. I think Excel should be a useful tool to generate some chart or table to solve this problem.



1 comment:

  1. I think this is a very interesting idea. I never thought about using BIM to simulate energy consumption. However, I am very familiar with LCA, so I think it is really cool how you are integrating BIM with LCA. Energy is such a crucial part of society these days, especially when talking about sustainability. I can't wait to see the findings of your project. Great post!
