Tuesday, February 9, 2016

B5 - Object Oriented Databases - Haoying Ye

Object oriented databases is a database that has the ability to take inputs and reflect them into outputs, it deal with specified objects, and follow specific methods. It represents and computes the data collection into an object that can be used within a computer program. This method of design primarily consists of two characteristics; Attributes (a composition of integers, strings, and real numbers that are stored as a record) and codes (algorithms that define an object with the use of attributes as the data source). And how it works is that we have objects stored on the database that reference the ability to develop a product, which can be saved and stored again as a new assembled object. This new object can be recalled later easily without reassembling it again.
Compare to Relational databases, OODB designed to work with images, videos and 3d objects, instead of integers, character strings and simple text facts. In addition, RDB organizes data in tables that are already installed and stored, while OODB has the ability to develop new products based on the stored objects and data. Object Oriented Database haven’t become popular, because OODB requires special kind of programming language and a little bit not user friendly, but RDB is easy to use for non-specialized users and can be programed by non-expert users.
Object oriented databases should be used for complex data relationship, such as, CAS Applications (Computer aided software engineering, CAD, computer aided manufacture), Multimedia Applications, object projects that change over time, commerce. The reason for that is Object oriented databases don’t require assembly and disassembly saving coding time and execution time to assemble or disassemble object, it reduced paging, easier navigation, works well for distributed architectures, less code required when applications are object oriented.
On the other hand, Object oriented databases have lower efficiency when data is simple and relationships are simple, late binding may slow access speed. Besides, there are more user tools exist for RDBMS, standards for RDBMS are more stable, support for RDBMS is more certain and change is less likely to be required.
If the database of objects can be regulated, companies and designers will have an updated catalog of different parts and systems that are up to code and accepted by a larger variety of clients. This would allow for a more effective interconnected database system.


1 comment:

  1. I thought it was interesting reading about a different kind of database. I liked that you compared the object oriented database to the relational databases. The discussion of the uses of the database helped to demonstrate the differences of the two and it's benefits over relational databases.
