Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Gary Reiff - B5 - Group A

A database can be described as relational when it has been design to conform, or mostly conform to a set of practices known as the rules of normalization.  In order to understand relational database, the basics of a database need to be know first.  A database is typically constructed in two different stages.  The first stage is creating a logical data model.  A logical data model allow you to lay out the design and organization of the database.  The second stage is the creation of the physical data model.  The physical data model sets up the parts of the database visible to users, such as columns and tables.  In fact, relational databases story highly structured tables in columns of specific types and many rows of the same kind of information.  This is why the organization, and really the logical data model part of a relational database is so important.

Now that you know a little about databases, it’s time to discuss some terminology specific to relational databases.  The first relational database term I am going to discuss is entity.  An entity stores information in a database regarding something of interest in the real world, such as departments within an organization.  Next, an attribute represents information regarding an object that will be tracked, such as the birth date or social security number of an employee.  One last crucial concept within relational databases is a primary key.  A primary key identifies a specific instance or object of an entity, meaning no two instances or objects can have the same primary key.  A great example of a primary key in relational databases are ID numbers, such as the IP Address of a computer.

One popular language used for querying relational databases is SQL.  SQL can be used in many different ways for querying relational databases.  For instance, one use of SQL is for read-only operations, while other times it is used for read/write operations.  This way, only certain people can make changes to the database at certain times.

Lastly, relational databases should not get confused with graph databases, although they can be very useful for graph databases.  As neo4J states, “relationships are first-class citizens of the graph data model, unlike other database management systems, which require us to infer connections between entities using special properties such as foreign keys, or out-of-band processing like map-reduce.  In other words, relational databases are like the stepping stone for graph databases.  Some people even view graph databases as an evolution of relational databases. 


1.) Janet Tran's Comment
2.) Laura Worley's Comment

1 comment:

  1. Just from reading your article I could tell you used the dummies article since your post was organized in a similar manner to the source and did a good job of explaining the basic concepts. To make this post better I would say how it is actually used in the real world.
