Tuesday, February 9, 2016

B5 - Group B - Hatim Amiji

SQL stands for Structured Query Language, is a special purpose programming language designed for managing data held in a relational database management system (RDBMS). It is used to create, modify, and retrieve and manipulate data from relational database management systems. In SQL, tables and query results are lists of rows: the same row may occur multiple times, and the order of rows can be employed in queries.  SQL is used by most large scale databases to facilitate user and administrator interactions.  Many computer programs need to store and retrieve data.  Instead of implementing their own system of storing and retrieving the data, SQL systems can be used.

SQL works similarly to how an excel spreadsheet is set up; it looks at data in terms of tables.  Within these tables, SQL allows the user to place data, read data, change data, and remove data from these tables. SQL is a natural language for data analysis i.e. the concept of SQL is underpinned by the relational algebra therefore creating a consistent network for organizing and manipulating sets of data. SQL is a productive language for writing queries i.e. SQL engines have multiple ways to execute a query, but the developer does not need to understand any of the underlying database processing techniques. The developer simply specifies the desired set of data using projections (SELECT) and filters (WHERE). SQL engine has a lot of flexibility in how to optimize any given query hence shields the developer from the complexities of the underlying query techniques. In general, SQL provides a robust framework that adapts to new database management requirements.

Overall, SQL is important because it is the most popular language for defining relational database models, which have been the standard in the data industry for roughly the past four decades. Relational databases, as opposed to hierarchical databases, are composed of tables for which the creator explicitly defines the links or relationships. For hierarchical databases, every segment is already implicitly defined in a hierarchical path. The main advantage of relational databases is that they do not limit the user to a strict hierarchy of data and allow the programmer more liberty in regards to defining how the information is joined. As a result, they are more desirable in instances that demand flexible data structures. It is also relatively simple to edit and manipulate those structures.


1. http://ezinearticles.com/?What-Is-SQL-and-Why-It-Is-Important?&id=6909544
2. http://www.thesitewizard.com/faqs/what-is-mysql-database.shtml



Your article was an interesting read. Seems like I underestimated the use of databases in the construction industry and its importance. Database can play an important role in the BIM world i.e. contractors, architects and engineering are working on the same model hence sharing big data in one platform thus the creation of databases can improve data organization and accessibility in order to ensure smooth/efficient workflow.



I have never worked with SQL before but by reading your blog, I can imagine how such programming language can be used to obtain specific family sets from a big REVIT family database. Also creation of new family sets can be organized and manipulated to ease of use during extraction by other parties such as contractors, architects and structural engineers who are working on the same platform.


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