Tuesday, February 9, 2016

William Whitesell - Group C

The concept behind object oriented databases (OODB) is one that has simplified the storage and use of data for close to 30 years.[3] Along the way it has found a home in BIM, using software a user is able to assign many different attributes to a number of different classes within a program. Prior to OODB programming would require a procedural approach to. Where it would contain functions and sub-routines but still require designation of data and logic to perform an action. OODB takes these instances within a procedural code or relational database and assigns them as without properties.  To give an example a class contains attributes such as name, type, or size. These are combined with actions, such as walk, jump or speak. [1] An analogous interpretation to this language could be made using a sentence structure. If you think of a class as a sentence it only contains a portion of the text required, the noun (attribute) and verb (action). Together they are not sufficient to make any relevance. This is where an object is introduced to the class in order to make create something tangible. To use an example two functions: (Joe, speak) can be assigned but without an object does not have meaning. However, if you say “Joe spoke about himself very highly.” it completes the sentence. Or you could say “I spoke to Joe today about his behavior.” The sentences both use the same class (attribute/behavior) although use completely different context to create the sentence (object). These individual sentences could then be compiled to create a paragraph.
The integration of OODB to BIM software can be thought of in this analogous approach for simplification as well. In this manner BIM software breaks building architecture into its separate components and re-assigns them by the user.[3] These are demonstrated in the libraries that are at out disposal in any CAD software. Instead of describing a line function each time we can simply click on the icon and assign the properties that we want to achieve. Revit uses OODB at an a more functional level storing many libraries of different instances that work together in creating a complete model.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object_database
[2] http://www.odbms.org/

[3] http://www.archdaily.com/302490/a-brief-history-of-bim

1 comment:

  1. William,

    I think you made an excellent point by saying that object-oriented databases simplify storage and data use. I believe that object-oriented databases were the foundation for nowadays-complex software’s. Without it, many of them would not be possible or they will take significantly higher computing processing requirements. Moreover, object-oriented databases have made programing less labor intensive and allow it to become more complex. I also think that Revit is a program that employs and takes great advantage of object-oriented databases to create really complex models. Your post’s sentence completion example helped me have a better understanding of what object-oriented databases are and how they work. I was able to see how each element of an object-oriented database plays a significant role and without any of them it would not work. Additionally, the method is really important in determining what this database will do “change the meaning of the sentence”.
