Friday, February 26, 2016

B6: AE 510 Reflection - Danielle Beynon (Group D)

As we get close to reaching the end of the term, I can happily say that Intelligent Buildings has been a worthwhile course. I originally chose to take this course because the topic sounded interesting, and my initial expectations were certainly fulfilled. Not only did I learn about intelligent software for building design, but I also learned how intelligence has been (and currently is) applied to other building aspects such as sensors and construction robotics.

AE 510 has had a positive effect on my profession in several ways. The most important way in which this course has been useful to my profession is that I have gained significant knowledge in BIM software. My previous co-op, to which I will be returning in the spring, involved structural design and the use of AutoCAD and Revit to create foundation and framing plans. I learned about the drawing tools and some structural features in Revit while on co-op, but I learned even more Revit functionalities and the “behind-the-scenes” aspects of the program from taking this course. Creating families and learning how families are retrieved in databases were highly beneficial aspects. Also, I am learning how multiple Revit system models are integrated while working on the final project. Having these skills are helpful to my structural design profession.

Another aspect of the course that I thoroughly enjoyed was the guest lecture portion. It is one thing to discuss among classmates what is happening in the building industry, but having spokespeople from various companies come to class and talk in detail about their personal experiences is highly worthwhile and rewarding. The variety of guest lecturers was also great, since it allowed for an introduction to a wide range of career paths and I was able to see how each person applies the skills and knowledge that we obtain in class to their everyday lives.

Looking ahead to the future, I can apply skills obtained in AE 510 so that I can think more innovatively and acknowledge technological advances in society. Aside from the useful BIM aspects of the course, I have learned to appreciate how far technology has come in the field of buildings. It is even more impressive that technology is evolving every single day, and sometimes this innovation can go unnoticed. I believe that as engineering students, we are all capable of aiding in the future of intelligent building, whether it be with coming up with new improvements or by implementing the existing software to produce models that are appealing to generations to come. Personally, I will apply the intelligent aspects of this course to my future in the engineering field.


I agree that AE510 has exposed us to topics that are directly useful to our future careers in structural engineering, as well as topics that could potentially help us if the opportunity arises. I definitely will use the family tools and other Revit functionalities in my profession, so I am grateful that a section of this class involved Revit and discussion about other BIM software. I do not predict that I will use databases much in my profession but like you said, if it does happen, I will at least have a background in how they work and how they are initiated. I liked how the class topics were broad since I think it made us more well-rounded students in the building technology field.

I, too, believe that AE510 has helped in preparing me for the professional world. With the skills and knowledge that we have obtained in BIM software, databases, and sensors, we now have a wide range of building technology traits that will help us in the future. With the information and advice that we have received from listening to guest speakers talk about their real-world experiences in the industry, we have gained more professional pointers than I would have ever imagined when signing up to take this course. I will certainly take many aspects of this course and apply them to my future career in structural engineering; just the way of thinking innovatively itself is something that I will keep with me.


  1. Danielle,
    I like how you touched upon how far technology has come, and the appreciation that is developed by looking into the details of the programs we use every day. I have also developed a deeper appreciation for programs like REVIT, AutoCAD, and Bentley products as we have learned about how the programs have grown. We are lucky to be in a generation that using these programs is second nature; however, it is important to not get stuck in our time and always push towards the next innovation. We heard about many exciting products this term that are currently not used in industry, such as concrete 3D printing and BIM programs with more depth. Hopefully we will see these items used in industry in the near future and have some interaction with them.

  2. Taking this class certainly brought to light many tools and programs that are useful in our field. Once the class ends, these innovations won't end, as Dianna mentioned, and it will be on us to find and research these things for personal professional development. Companies always eventually need to adapt to new software and technologies, making a big leap when transitioning from old practices; that certainly won't end any time soon. Being proficient in the next step of software for a company will always make someone an invaluable employee.

  3. I agree that this class was very beneficial, especially in teaching background information about Revit. The guest lecturers were also very interesting and informative to learn about how intelligent systems affect their jobs. A lot of the information that was covered in this class will most likely be stuff that we will be able to use or apply our knowledge of in the future. I am very excited to see what other innovations occur during our careers.
