Sunday, February 7, 2016

B5: Group B - Schroeder

SQL - What Is It and Why Important?

 As defined by, SQL stands for Structured Query Language and is used to communicate with a database. [1] This standard computer language is used to query, insert, update, and modify data in a relational database. As my fellow groupmates have already touched on the current application of SQL, I thought I would summarize its beginnings.

Dr. E.F. Codd published the paper titled “Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks", in June 1970 in the Association of Computer Machinery (ACM) journal, Communications of the ACM. [2] This paper became the cornerstone of SQL. The language, Structured English Query Language (SEQUEL) was first developed in the early 1970s at IBM. It wasn’t commercially released until 1979 by Relational Software Inc. which is now known as Oracle Corporation. This year is also when the name was shortened from SEQUEL to SQL. Since then, SQL has been set as the definitive model for RDBMS (Relational Database Management System). Oracle participates actively in the SQL standards committees which are spearheaded by two main organizations: American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the International Standards Organization (ISO).

So how does SQL work? It is a data sublanguage that translates to a relational database by processing sets of data rather than individual units. All SQL statements use the optimizer, a part of Oracle Database that determines the most efficient means of accessing the specified data. [2] SQL unifies all the tasks of querying data, controlling access to database, and updating rows in a table all through one consistent language.

In the past few years, Oracle has created an Oracle Database SQL engine which they are constantly evolving to meeting growing demands of database applications. One recent addition is the inclusion of LOBs. LOBs or large objects can now be handled by the Oracle SQL engine which is no small task as a single LOB can be up to 128 terabytes. Another important development is the built-in aggregate and analytical function which facilitates access to data in data warehouses and data marts.
In the industry, SQL has many applications. One of which is searching through a list of all the employees for a company. Using the example below [2], you can simultaneously search through thousands of employees by hire date and salary.

Overall, SQL is an effective tool for relational database management.


EDIT: Comments left on Bryan's and Laura's original posts!


  1. Danielle, this was a good addition to the blog! I always think it’s important to know the history of a piece of technology to fully understand its significance, and sometimes even its functionality. I’m curious, in 1970, what application was SQL used for? What kind of database could it be used with and to what extent did that functionality reach?

  2. This is an interesting posts because and topic that relates to relational databases. When dissecting the theory and concepts behind databases it seems rather intuitive since it is so widely applied today. However, the structure and detail of how databases are organized and built is rather less obvious.

  3. Danielle,

    I too did a little research into the history of SQL and I had the same question Bryan had, what was SQL used for in the 70's? Possibly simple data look up or data organization for government uses?
