Friday, March 11, 2016

B7 - Group C - Sean Coffey - Course Reflection

The course was awesome...

The true and not so short answer is that I really enjoyed the course. As person that sees the value in using technology to automate and organize my life a little more than most the course was insightful. The variety of technology that is becoming available and applicable to the ACE industry makes now seem like a fantastic time to be in. But if the course has actually taught me anything, whether it be that I should expect unexpected changes in the way I live and work in the future, that promising technologies will only become mainstream if someone takes the risk to prove that the technology is viable and applicable, that just like any tool new technologies can be applied to any number of things but are often only best applicable to a few tasks, or that when I use a program and feel that I am proficient in fact I have only scratched the surface of what it can do, I really only needed to learn that I don't need to that as the next generation of engineer I should be an advocate for technology. I don't necessarily need to learn every program and become a technology wiz or come away from the course and push myself to learn each topic that was covered, I just need to not be ignorant of technology and become an advocate for its greater application. I may have never come to this realization if it weren't for another professor who teaches the BIM in Construction course essentially admitted that it was his reason for being a teacher, to give students a view of how the greater use of technology is where the industry is headed, but is often impeded for reasons that are not well founded.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

B7 - Yuanjin LI - Course Reflection

In this AE 510 Intelligent Building course I get in touched with many different technologies that can be applied to buildings to make the building become intelligent. Like building information modelling, Revit, 3D printing, databases and sensors etc. Overall, I really learnt a lot new things from this course and I really think they are interesting and could help me after I graduate from Drexel.

Before this class, I barely know what Revit is and how this software work. After use it created a very simple model I realized that it is such a convenient BIM tool for architecture design. Besides, it is essential to be acquainted with how to create a Revit family since every building model has different requirements, and the objects inside the building cannot always be the same.

This is the first time that I get in touch with databases as well. Before this project I did not even know what a database is and why it is useful for human. After the assignment I cannot say that I became an expert of database, but I could say that I can explain to people what databases is and how does it work.

There is one more thing that I like about this course is Prof. Mitchell invited some guest lecturers that have different background come to talk to us. Trying to enrich what we could learn from this course. And they really did. It is really exciting to get some expert’s opinion on what we are learning and what is the real advantage and disadvantages. What aspect can be improved and what other technology that is also important beyond what we learned from school.

In addition, after this course I found that finish assignment is not the end. Intelligent building is a topic that we need to keep reading and learning and thinking about. Each of those topics included in this course is a direction that are related to building’s future and they will keep developing. Those technologies that we are familiar with like Revit modeling and 3D printing will always become more intelligent. We could never stop.


B7 Reflection - Amiji

The course “Intelligent Buildings” provided us a great service in both educating us about the emerging technologies and how it will transform the construction industry in the future. The emerging technology was helpful in giving us the exposure to the current progress of advancements in this field. That is what will allow us to make intelligent decisions in what directions our careers should take. By understanding the direction of current innovations and the field, we [students] have a much better basis for making important career choices. What was particularly helpful here was the introduction into these topics followed up by presentations by actual practitioners working in the industry. This insight into the current, actual practices and precedents is imperative presently as well -- at this time in our lives we still have ample chances to return to school and continue our education. This class was excellent at exposing us to the specific disciplines that will become prevalent in our fields (CAEE) by the time we start our careers.

The second aspect of the course I mentioned -- the ability to reeducate oneself or essentially update your knowledge of the field -- will become invaluable at allowing us options as the industry changes. By continuing to update one's outlooks on the field, the ability to make informed career decisions will be preserved. All of the research we had individually completed is a strong lesson in where and how to look for professional technical information on emerging technologies. This is one of the most important aspects of the course as it begins to instill the idea of learning how to learn -- or acquiring skills necessary to teach oneself. It is extremely important we continue to learn after we leave school and as we progress in our careers. It is unlikely any of us can be effective engineers without this ability to reeducate ourselves when evolution or advances occur in our fields.

The guest lectures were insightful and motivational. These professionals with vast amount of experience and knowledge as well as having worked for multinational companies provided in depth understanding of the actual collaboration of engineers, architects and construction managers in the implementation of the BIM technology such as REVIT. They also talked about the changes that are ongoing in the industry in terms of technology and gave a glimpse of the future of this industry. These lectures also provided excellent networking opportunity for possible co-op and full time opportunities. 

I also feel that the different exercises with BIM (REVIT) and databases also was extremely important for us as CAE engineers as this is how the industry will be developing in the next few years. For us to have a basic understanding before entering the workplace will help for future learning processes involving these types of work. Also by cultivating an early understanding we can better understand what our careers will involve in terms of work. These types of programs will be the standard for our industry and as such we will be spending a tremendous amount of time using them.


Jon Swartz

Totally agree with you, the best part of the class I liked was the guest lectures, they provided their real world experience on the use of BIM technology such as REVIT and its practicality in terms of usage in the construction industry, how it is changing the construction process as well as the future of this technology. These lectures also provided excellent networking opportunity for co-op jobs and full time positions.

Hamad Al-Hajri

The database assignment was the most interesting part of the course since it was my first time to ever use Microsoft Access, it was a challenge initially since the actual requirement of the project was not understood as such. However, with the help of Professor Mitchell's tutorials it became easier to finish the task. Also the REVIT creating families assignment was another new feature which I got to learn. 

B9 - Eduardo Borja - Group E - Reflection

             From the beginning, even before starting to attend class I was interested in Intelligent Buildings, but I had a different idea of what intelligent buildings meant. Before I believed Intelligent Buildings were characterized as smart automated buildings. Through this course I understood that intelligent buildings are much more involved than the technological aspects of the final structure. Intelligent buildings take into consideration the design and the time efficiency of building a certain structure.
            I can definitely state that this class has had a great effect on my profession because it has fed my interest in aspects such as the creation of databases and BIM, which are becoming more and more important in the construction industry. Through AE 510 specifically, I have been introduced the creation of databases, as well as further deepening my knowledge about Revit. Through our assignment on databases I learned that planning before executing is quite essential in any aspect of design. If you didn’t plan the database before creating it, then this could have created a lot of problems once you tried to execute it. Also, databases prove to be quite effective once you want to find a specific set of points within a large amount of data. In regards to Revit, I have only scratched to surface on the program capabilities but from what I have learned in this class and from different tutorial videos, I have seen that Revit can become quite powerful. I can say that this class has affected my profession because it has showed me that the industry is changing and that this new technology regarding BIM will certainly be something I will need to fully understand.
            Regarding my future, this class has provided an introduction to an industry that is going to continue to grow and offer a lot of job opportunities. Understanding even a broad aspect of intelligent buildings and be able to discuss different aspects of intelligent buildings can certainly help me in my future job searches.
            Regarding actual class time, I personally would have enjoyed more small projects in order to learn a greater variety of BIM software. On the other hand, the lecture speakers in class gave an interesting perspective on how intelligent building techniques are applied and used outside the classroom. Similarly, the lectures provided by Dr. Mitchell were certainly useful and gave us as well a professional perspective on intelligent buildings and their applications.


Alqallaf: From the beginning of your post I could identify with you. I joined this class even though I was taking another professional elective because the name caught my attention. Also, I can relate to the fact that the database project was quite instructive. I enjoyed how you related the project you did for your concentration.

Laura Hill: I enjoyed your post because it made me think of something really important in this class that i took for granted. The blog posts as you stated were quite helpful because it was an opportunity to reflect upon different new topics. The posts actually helped me understand and actually focus on the reading which ultimately helped me fully understand the different topics at hand.


B7 - Course reflection - Cristian Almendariz

            This class ended up being completely different from what I expected.  Going from its name Intelligent Buildings, I originally though would a lecture/project-based class in learning different BIM software.  Instead it was a more informative, analytical, and writing intensive class.  Although I would have preferred it to be the other way, I did learn a lot in this class.  Each lecture touched several different but important facts about the evolution of the construction industry and its current state. 
            Overall, the lectures were really informative and interesting.  I think that the guest speakers were the best part of them.  Each guest speaker came from different parts of the industry and had different perspectives the evolution of construction.  For example, before taking this class I did not know that robots and drones were already being used in construction.  Drones are really useful in several tasks of construction for example in site supervision and project control.  Now construction managers, owners, and designers can check the project progress from their home or office.  Additionally, it was really interesting to see what different professionals think about BIM software.  BIM software is definitely revolutionizing the construction industry and it has outstanding future potential.  As of now, most of them have realized that they must keep up with its evolution and learn how to use it.  Bentley’s lecture was the best.  I was amazed with the program capability to merge the architectural with MEP models and its ability for clash detection between elements.  This is a huge step forward in construction because it allows the detection of costly errors before construction.  In order to exploit this technology’s potential, all construction parties should be completely involved and work as a team.  I believe that BIM software training should be part of all engineering, architectural, or construction management undergraduate programs.  Professionals without software knowledge will definitely be in a disadvantage in the future. 
            The Revit project was an excellent introduction to the program.  Before completing the project I did not know how to use Revit.  Fortunately, prof. Mitchell’s video tutorials were really useful and easy to follow.  Moreover, it was an excellent foundation for the term project.  As I mentioned in B5 post, prior taking this class I did not know what databases were.  The lectures, blog post, and database project were an excellent introduction to them.  By completing the database project, I was able to accurately know what databases are and how they work.  Although my database was not too related to AE, I was able to develop a database that could be used in my dads company.  I develop a database to keep track the company’s cars and computer hardware.  This database could be expanded to become more complex and keep track of more assets. 
            The term project was an excellent opportunity to improve my senior design project house. I decided use Revit to develop, modify, and improve the original model of the house.  With little Revit experience, this project was quite challenging at the beginning.  It was really difficult to get used Revit’s toolbar and tools.  I had to watch several youtube tutorials to be able to modify the house roof, floor, walls, and furniture.  While completing the project, I noticed that Revit’s 3D visualization tool is really useful.  It help me a lot to modify and improve the overall house model and choose material finishes.  Overall, this term project was an excellent experience and opportunity to take my senior design house model to the next level.
            Although this class ended up being different from what I expected, it was really useful.  It brought me up to date in construction and its tendencies.  I was able to realize that technology is evolving at a really fast rate and I must keep up with it.  I can definitely conclude that the knowledge gained in this class is an excellent asset for my future architecture master degree program and profession.  I will definitely recommend all civil and architectural engineers to take this class.



I also think that the guest lectures were one of the best parts about this course.  By having speakers from different sectors of the construction industry, I was able too see the impacts BIM, AI, and robots has had in them.  These technologies are definitely going to take over our industry and we must be ready to accept it.  In order to take full advantage of this technology, all construction parties must be involved and working as a team to develop the BIM models.  Moreover, I believe that architectural, engineering, and construction management undergraduate programs should include training in this technology.  


            I respectfully disagree with you that AI, robotics, and 3D printing will not be used in HVAC in the near future.  My dad owns an HVAC company in Ecuador and Asian companies like LG and Samsung are definitely starting to use this technology.  I will like to add that Robots and AI are going to become really useful especially for the installation of these ducts.  I believe that 3D printing and AI can potentially be used for the systems ducts.  Ecuador is a little behind in this industry and ducts are built manually from galvanized steel sheets.  This is really time consuming and labor intensive.  AI and robots can definitely be used in order to easy the process.  I am really looking forward for this technology to be applied in Ecuador. 

Course Reflection

Like most of my fellow class mates, I have had James Mitchell many times as an instructor for various classes throughout my studies at Drexel. I have always enjoyed the way he teaches the classes, always integrated into current topics, trends and new technologies. I expected no less from AE-510 as it may have been my favorite class yet with Professor Mitchell. One thing I did not like however was the seemingly long lectures. Sometimes I felt that Professor Mitchell was having a difficult time finding enough lecture material to fill the void. I believe that it should be at most 2 hours, but since it is a 3 credit class, there should be class at least 3 hours a week. Other than that, I felt that this class gave me a new view into today’s technology and advances, trends and future ideas that are being developed.
                One of the things I liked best about this class is having guest speakers actually in the field come in and discuss what they do and how they feel about whatever topics James Mitchell asked them to talk about. I also enjoyed how Mitchell exposed us to both sides of the argument, from people loving Revit and that one guy (Travis? I believe) who hated Revit. It shows that he is not bias in his views and wants us to make our own decision.
                My least favorite was probably the database portion. I just didn’t appreciate it as much as I should have. I completely understand and accept the power that databases fulfill in our society, but for me to completely understand how to build one, I just didn’t go all out learning it. My favorite part was building the family in Revit, it allowed me to create something that can be used in real life (virtual life that is).
                I thought the open-topic term project was a good idea and allowed the students to explore whatever we like to do in our lives and whatever we find interesting.
                Being a BSMS student in Architectural engineering, I always enjoyed AE classes much more than Cive and Mem classes. So I feel that this class has helped me, as I said before, it helped give me another view on today’s world and for that I give this class at 5/5!
