Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Course Reflection - Karan Sagar Sinha

I found this course to be really interesting, we take a lot of courses that have traditional knowledge and same old calculations. This course was really different in the approach of combining technology and buildings together. I expected one of two things coming into this course, that it was going to be a BIM class or that it was going to be a class similar to the AE 390-391 series but with more work and explore fields in technology.  Much to my surprise it was neither of these two.  For that I am glad.  I took the course because it sounded interesting but it was also one of the few graduate level courses that were offered this term and I wanted to feel the level of graduate courses that are offered, also it was fulfilling my professional elective criteria.
During 10-week long syllabus, we worked on several projects, such as working on Revit and creating the family. At Drexel we are barely exposed to BIM’s and I was really glad that we were again introduced to Revit as it is a very powerful tool. Also in this course, I was exposed to Microsoft Access, which we had used for the database project. These two projects dealt with topics that I had never covered before and I feel that they will be beneficial in the future, especially the database knowledge.  Modern day society is so dependent on databases that even a minor understanding can be extremely beneficial.  Knowing how to create families in Revit can also be very helpful in the professional world, although, I hope to never have to make one because it was somewhat annoying setting up all the parameters and relationships.  But it’s better to know and not need than need and not know. 
I really enjoyed all the lectures and all the in class activities. Most of it I really enjoyed having guest lecturers. Every single guest speaker was very well chosen because they were all able to contribute with their insight at a topic we were covering. I believe that Hue Robert’s Lecture was very well done; it gave me hope for the industry and the growing figures in infrastructure.
Also I really enjoyed reading other people’s blog posts, and writing my own blog posts. Reading blog posts from other groups really opened up a lot of thought provoking areas. I absorbed a lot of knowledge while reading the blog posts. I would’ve loved going in depths of this course and I would’ve loved having another sequence to this course, which would focus on the use of different BIM platforms.

Samuel – I completely agree with your view-point of this course. Both the assignments were well thought out. I am really keen on seeing how your final paper turn out to be, wearable technology always interested me and it would be wonderful exploring how in the future buildings and wearable technology can be linked.

Yuyang – As you had mentioned that the videos on robotics caught your eye, I found it really interesting where the drones were involved in the controlled constructing of a structure. This class was very interesting although I really wish there was a sequence to this course.

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