Tuesday, March 8, 2016

B7 - Group E - Alqallaf

Initially, when I signed up to take this course I did not really know what the material of this course would be but the name grabbed my attention. Being an architectural engineering major pursuing a career in the building design industry I always strive to increase my knowledge in emerging technologies. I have learned from studying engineering and from work experience that efficiency and easy access to data/information is key when it comes to design. The notion of working smarter as opposed to harder is extremely prominent in the building design and construction industry. Taking this course has further reinforced my belief in this concept and opened up new interests for me.

Before taking this course I had a very general and basic idea of what BIM is and how it is implemented in the building design industry. Coming into this class my goal was getting better at utilizing BIM and understanding more about interoperability. I learned that BIM and interoperability are tools of efficiency in the building industry. Tools that should be utilized properly to maximize product output. Working for an engineering design firm for my coop I had to coordinate duct work with the structural system in a Revit model. That saved a lot of work and time. It gave more time for the structural engineers to innovate and come up with new ideas for the system.

Furthermore, I learned a lot about databases and the importance of a database in the building/construction industry. Being a mechanical concentration, I had to use multiple databases for HVAC calculations. This includes solar data, weather data, etc. Some databases are huge and are updated by the hour but I never paid attention to the importance of databases. The database assignment helped me better understand how a database is structured and how it helps with easily accessing information. I believe that I can implement using a database for anything in the future for it is a great way to organize information.

In conclusion, I learned a lot from this course. I really enjoyed researching and reading more into innovations and emerging building technologies. The assignments were very helpful and I believe that the class was structured really well. I hope to utilize what I learned from this class in my future career.

I really enjoyed reading your course reflection. Likewise, I believe that the lectures were very long and splitting them up or having a shorter lecture would’ve probably been a lot better. I personally have a short attention span and it’s very hard for me to focus for 3 continuous hours. I agree with the amazing learning experience I had taking this class. There were many things that I did not know about advancements in the building design and construction industry that I know now.

Kate Flint,

I agree with your opinion on BIM being an important aspect for people looking to work in the construction industry. I really enjoyed learning more about BIM. Especially databases. I had little to no knowledge in databases. I did not even know how important databases are until I took this course. I learned that efficiency and easy access to information is key in the building industry. 

1 comment:

  1. After reading your course reflection I believe we both had similar experiences during this course. It was interesting to read what you took from the class as an architectural engineer with a mechanical concentration, and the similarities between what I took from it as a structural concentration. It appears that we both found value in learning about BIM and Databases, which I think further expresses the emerging importance of these subjects. Nice post.
