Tuesday, March 8, 2016

William Whitesell-Group C-Reflection

As I entered this course, I imagined it would be focused on computer based simulations and integrating our respective disciplines. However, it turned out to be a more of a free ended course, where the gains were equaled effort. Avenues of the information age were introduced and critical thinking by the student was encouraged. This led us to form opinions of what we see, with the future of technology and integration with buildings. Speakers were introduced to depict real world practices and where the industry will likely head in the future.
Robotics, automated systems and artificial intelligence was an area of focus throughout the term; how the information age is changing construction for the future. We saw that robotics have an increasing presence in the construction and the modeling phase.  Artificial intelligence is another way the building industry is revolutionizing. It is first in the modeling phase, with additional system analysis and more comprehensive models. This leads to increased building efficiency and lower cost. The detail of work required is advantageous from the bidding to the construction phase. Artificial intelligence is also playing a major role in occupied buildings with to make assumptions and use logic and building controls.
Deliverables for this course included a weekly blog post which introduced me to a new process. The weekly posts encouraged imagination and allowed us a wide platform to elaborate on. It was related to BIM and building interactions.
There was also a database assignment due with a simple model to be created. This was difficult for me having never worked with the program before. I was unable to conceptualize how the systems link to each other to produce desired results.
For a final project, an open ended interpretation of BIM and building applications was presented. I missed the concept of this project and the BIM interaction. I attempted to rely heavily on engineering and building analysis. Instead of focusing more on incorporating BIM for design. I found a project that interested me and attempted to fit BIM modeling into the design.  The problem statement was not one of great cause and led to difficulty in formulating a plan of action.

The guest lectures were informative and for a feel of the world outside the classroom. The only part that could have been improved for me is the database assignment. As mentioned earlier, I had difficulty conceptualizing the database project delivering the final requirements. 


  1. I agree with you that hearing from industry professionals during this class was a lot more useful than a traditional class structure. I also agree with you that the database assignment was a bit difficult, and I think it could have been a bit less open ended in terms of what was required for the assignment. Also, I had similar problems with being requested to focus more on the engineering principles of my final project instead of exploring the opportunities in my subject, which was 3D printing, more extensively.

  2. I agree with you that hearing from industry professionals during this class was a lot more useful than a traditional class structure. I also agree with you that the database assignment was a bit difficult, and I think it could have been a bit less open ended in terms of what was required for the assignment. Also, I had similar problems with being requested to focus more on the engineering principles of my final project instead of exploring the opportunities in my subject, which was 3D printing, more extensively.

  3. I agree with your assessment of the database assignment; I myself have had some prior experience but was still a little unsure of linking one element to another using relationships in Microsoft Access. I would maybe recommend another assignment using Access (or another database software) to strengthen our skills in this area.
